siłownie_zewnętrzne SZ001
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Gym outer SZ001

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Siłownie zewnętrzna SZ001


dimensions: 1350mm x 975mm x 1190mm

Zone use the machine safely: 4,35m x 3,8m

Surface area use the machine safely:: 14,5m2

The height of free fall: 1m

Surface required for installation: Concrete, stone, sand, turf

depth of foundation: 300mm

Destiny: Public places

Ancon Andrzej Jania also has spare parts for equipment

Devices for ages: lack (growth restriction)

Device according to standard: PN-EN 16630


Instructions for Use:

After taking a seat, hold hands both handles. Then push the handle upwards, until elbows are in the upright position. During the entire process, keep your back straight.


Details of materials and structural:

Siedzisko i oparcie zrobione są z blachy stalowej, do której dokręcone są płyty polietylenowe z HDPE. Uchwyt zrobiony jest z rury stalowej popomalowanej

powder. Słup nośny zrobiony jest z rury stalowej zakończonej z dołu kołnierzem montażowym. Konstrukcja stelaża siedziska wykonana jest z blachy pomalowanej proszkowo. Connections made by moving roller bearings. The apparatus is assembled using stainless steel screws.

Ends of the holes plugged permanently steel elements.

Gym this type to be installed permanently in the ground. Device is sent temporarily secured and fixed to the pallet.

Additional information
