L002 bis
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bench L002Bis

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Bench L002 Bis

L002Bis is a variation of the bench L002. The seat of the presented bench is made of 3 boards (and not four as in the L002).

The length of the bench: 170 cm.
The width of the bench: 70 cm.
Overall height: 71 cm.
seat height: 40 cm.
seat width: 40 cm.
Assembly: adapted for permanent installation by means of bolts passing through the cast-iron alloys (complete).





– bench with a sturdy design which increases its resistance to vandalism: They have a larger
and thicker boards, each of the boards is fixed by four screws therethrough,
– boards from selected, seasoned spruce wood, beveled edges on all,
protected by a layer of primer and three coats of lacquer spraying,
– Standard color of the wood: teak and mahogany; to order other colors,
– cast iron stable base is equipped with an aperture for the bench permanently fixed to the substrate,
protected with primer and painted chlorinated with a slight sheen,
– cast iron as standard in black,
– at the individual request, we benches with a length other than the standard.


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